Saturday 2 January 2010

Task D: Marketing style of writing draft 2

Treat your family to Pinocchio this Christmas!
This Christmas, the must see show for both adults and children is the musical 'Pinocchio' at the Chicken Shed Thearte company in Cat Hill, Middlesex. Loved by children for generations, the story of the wooden puppet that becomes a boy has been turned into a wonderful musical.
Follow the journey of Pinocchio, the naughty puppet, who dreams of becoming a real boy. On his adventures meet all the interesting characters such as Jiminy Cricket, Pinocchio's conscience, the Bossy Blue Fairy, who teaches him a thing or two about lying and the money grabbing Mr Fox and Miss Kitty. Enjoy the heart warming relationship between Pinocchio and his father Gippetto at Chicken Shed this year.
Running from the 9th December 2009 to 16th January 2010, treat all the family to this two hour show.
At Chicken Shed we have a reputation for putting on inclusive theatre- adults and children with all abilities take part in our shows. In fact, we encourage anyone who loves performing to take the stage. Reflecting this, there are four seperate casts over the five week run involving 800 or so performers (200 per cast).
Our commitment to inclusivity is refelected in the wheel chair-friendly access to both stage and the 400-seater auditorium. The hearing impaired can follow the action and dialogue through the presence of signing performers.
Our front-of-house team are on hand to help if you need anything. We are always happy to help and like to make our public feel welcome and part of our thearte.
Ticket Information:
Box office: 0208 292 9222 Or book online at
Adults: £16.00 (Concessions: £12.00)
Time: 7:30-9:30pm (Interval of 20 minutes at the end of act 1)


  1. Hey Zoe

    This is such a big improvement from the last draft. I feel that the colurs that you have used in this piece help so much as it makes the written stand out and makes the ready want to read on which all ways is a good thing one it comes to a marketing piece. i really like the way you tale the story with out given to much away to the reader as it does make you want to read on. the Picture works really.

    Really Good Piece

    Well Done


  2. Thank you Murat. I take on everything people siad in lest deft this then help me to make deft 2 better.
